Max Kuhn
The parsnip package and six of its extension packages were recently updated on CRAN. One of the extensions is a new package for fitting multilevel statistical models. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
We are working on extending support for survival analysis in tidymodels. We are looking for early adopters to try out the new package called censored and give feedback. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
We highlight a series of new tidymodels package versions and their improvements. Read more ...
Julia Silge
Releases of tidymodels packages in Q2 of 2021 include more streamlined memory footprints for feature-engineering recipes, new model engine options, and better support for post-processing predictions. Read more ...
Julia Silge
The tidymodels ecosystem is modular and flexible, which can sometimes make choosing an approach overwhelming for newcomers. This post offers opinionated guidance on where to start! Read more ...
Julia Silge
Releases of tidymodels packages in Q1 of 2021 offer new functions for easier model building and resampling, along with a new package for resampling spatial data. Read more ...
Julia Silge
Sparse data is common in many domains, and now tidymodels supports using sparse matrix structures throughout the fitting and tuning stages of modeling. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The new usemodels R package is a helpful way to automatically generate tidymodels code. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
A new version of parsnip bring improvements in how predictors are handled and a few other neat features. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
Three new tidymodels packages, baguette, poissonreg, and plsmod, were just released on CRAN. Read more ...