Hadley Wickham
There are no major new features in this version of forcats, but the 1.0.0 label now clearly advertises that this a stable member of the tidyverse. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
tidyr 1.3.0 brings a new family of string separating functions, along with improvements to unnest_longer(), unnest_wider(), pivot_longer(), and nest(). Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dbplyr 2.3.0 brings improvements to SQL generation, improved error messages, a handful of new translations, and a bunch of backend specific improvements. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
purrr 1.0.0 brings a basket of updates. We deprecated a number of seldom used functions to hone in on the core purpose of purrr and implemented a swath of new features including progress bars, improved error reporting, and much much more! Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
Tidyclust is on CRAN. tidyclust provides a common interface for specifying clustering models, in the same style as parsnip. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
It’s been a long three years but a new version of stringr is now on CRAN! This release includes a bunch of small but useful new functions and some increased consistency with the rest of the tidyverse. Read more ...
Edgar Ruiz
Model Calibration is coming to tidymodels. This post covers the new plotting functions, and our plans for future enhancements. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
dplyr 1.1.0 is coming soon! This post introduces some of the exciting new features coming in 1.1.0, and includes a call-for-feedback as we finalize the release. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
ggplot2 3.4.0 is now on CRAN. Read all about the (mostly internal) changes that make up this release. Read more ...
Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham
tidyselect 1.2.0 hit CRAN last week and includes a few updates to the syntax of selections in tidyverse functions. Read more ...