Hadley Wickham
This release brings improvements to SQL translation, a new way of getting local data into the database, and support for dplyr’s family of row modification functions. Read more ...
Gábor Csárdi
We have updated our GitHub Actions at r-lib/actions. Consider upgrading to the new v2 version, for faster and more reliable GHA jobs. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
roxygen2 7.2.0 brings improvements to NAMESPACE generation, better multiparameter argument inheritance, and improved warnings. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
Support for case weights is now available across many tidymodels packages. Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
The three extension packages for recipes were recently updated on CRAN adding new steps, features and bug fixes. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
haven 2.5.0 adds support for custom character widths, creates FDA-compliant XPT files, and can use Stata’s strL variable type. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
scales 1.2.0 brings a number of small but useful improvements to numeric labels. Read more ...
Julia Silge
There were 21 releases of tidymodels packages during Q1 of this year, and this post shares some highlights! Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
readxl 1.4.0 is a maintenance release with practically no user-facing changes, but extensive change to package internals. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The parsnip package and six of its extension packages were recently updated on CRAN. One of the extensions is a new package for fitting multilevel statistical models. Read more ...