Tracy Teal
We’re hiring a Developer Educator for tidyverse package development and a Quarto Developer Advocate. Come work with us! Read more ...
Julia Silge
Some models store information in locations that cannot be saved via regular R serialization. The new bundle package provides a consistent interface for bundling model objects with their references so that they can be safely saved and re-loaded in production. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
The next release of ggplot2 will contain a number of internal improvements and fixes long-time inconsistencies. One of these are the conflation of point size and linewidth into the same aesthetic. This post will go into detail with how you can make your extension package work well with the new linewidth aesthetic. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
censored 0.1.0 is a new tidymodels package for survival models. Read more ...
Mike Mahoney
rsample 1.1.0 is now on CRAN! This release provides a ton of new functions for grouped resampling, as well as a few long-awaited utility functions. Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
Q2 marks the end of the season of case weights, with 25 new releases. Read more ...
Michael Chirico
lintr 3.0.0 is a major release featuring a more consistent API for using linter and dozens of new linters included Read more ...
Simon Couch
A new parsnip extension package for tree-based models is now on CRAN. Read more ...
Mike Mahoney
spatialsample 0.2.0 is now on CRAN! This release provides a bunch of new features, including new spatial resampling methods, visualization helpers, and spatial buffering. Read more ...
Julia Silge
We are thrilled to announce the release of vetiver, a framework for MLOps tasks in R and Python. Use vetiver to version, share, deploy, and monitor a trained model. Read more ...