Hadley Wickham
It’s been a long three years but a new version of stringr is now on CRAN! This release includes a bunch of small but useful new functions and some increased consistency with the rest of the tidyverse. Read more ...
Edgar Ruiz
Model Calibration is coming to tidymodels. This post covers the new plotting functions, and our plans for future enhancements. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
dplyr 1.1.0 is coming soon! This post introduces some of the exciting new features coming in 1.1.0, and includes a call-for-feedback as we finalize the release. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
ggplot2 3.4.0 is now on CRAN. Read all about the (mostly internal) changes that make up this release. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
Our post-RStudio conference productivity has been high! This post talks about tidymodels updates from the last few months. Read more ...
Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham
tidyselect 1.2.0 hit CRAN last week and includes a few updates to the syntax of selections in tidyverse functions. Read more ...
Simon Couch
parsnip 1.0.2 includes a number of changes to how the package checks model specifications, improving error messages and tightening integration with its extension packages. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
Using another package as a dependency is a two-way street, but the expectations can be murky. This blog post guides you towards becoming a stellar reverse dependency. Read more ...
Mara Averick
Davis Vaughan’s talk from rstudio::conf(2022) on clock, an R package that aims to provide comprehensive and safe handling of date-times. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
Version 0.2.0 of brulee introduces learning rate schedulers. Read more ...