George Stagg
webR 0.2.0 has been released. Updates and improvements to the webR REPL app, HTML canvas graphics device, internationalisation, Wasm R packages, Shiny support, and the developer API. Read more ...
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Recommendations for teaching the tidyverse in 2023, summarizing package updates most relevant for teaching data science with the tidyverse, particularly to new learners. Read more ...
Jabir Ghaffar, Davon Person, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Tracy Teal
Jabir and Davon from Data Trail worked with us to create the solutions manual for R for Data Science, 2nd edition. This blog post summarizes their experience and shares their reflections from working on this project. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
The tidymodels team has been busy working on all sorts of new features across the ecosystem. Read more ...
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
The second edition of R for Data Science is out, and it’s a major reworking of the first edition. Read more ...
Jennifer Bryan
gmailr 2.0.0 streamlines the auth process and makes it easier to use gmailr in a cloud or deployed context. Read more ...
Andy Teucher
When Spring comes around, it’s time to embark on some Spring Cleaning to take care of the package maintenance tasks that you never seem to get around to. This post outlines the processes and tools that the tidyverse team uses to make this job fun and efficient. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
We’ve written a collection of tidyteam code review principles that act as a resource for new contributors and as a source of truth when there are questions about our code review process. We hope you find them useful! Read more ...
Mara Averick
How to use purrr::walk() to write many files, featuring file-system navigation with the fs package. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The desirability2 package, for multivariable optimization, is now on CRAN. Read more ...