Julia Silge
Sparse data is common in many domains, and now tidymodels supports using sparse matrix structures throughout the fitting and tuning stages of modeling. Read more ...
Lionel Henry
A new version of the magrittr package brings laziness, better performance, and leaner backtraces for debugging errors. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
A new version of the tune package contains numerous new features. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dbplyr 2.0.0 adds missing features from dplyr 1.0.0, numerous improvements to SQL translation (including new Amazon Redshift and SAP HANA backends), and an improved system for extending dbplyr to work with other databases. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
testhat 3.0.0 brings a raft of major improvements including snapshot testing and parallel testing. It also includes a new “edition” that allows you opt-in to a set of substantial improvements that are not backward compatible. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
A new version of the recipes package contains a signficant API update and some additional features. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
furrr 0.2.0 is now on CRAN! Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
waldo is a new package that makes it easier to see the differences between a pair of complex R objects. Read more ...
Jim Hester
The newest release of readr brings improved argument consistency, better messages and more flexible output options. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The new usemodels R package is a helpful way to automatically generate tidymodels code. Read more ...