Hadley Wickham
The lifecycle package documentation received a major overhaul based on what I learned preparing for my rstudio::global keynote. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
svglite 2.0.0 is now on CRAN. This is a huge feature release and part rewrite, and should excite anyone who cares about vector graphics. Read on to find out what is new! Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
ragg has taken a major leap forward in text-rendering capabilities with the latest releases of systemfonts, textshaping, and ragg itself. This post will go into detail with what is now possible and how it compares to the build in devices. Read more ...
Romain Francois
Minor release with major performance improvements for across() and two new functions if_any() and if_all(). Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
We’ve never blogged about reprex before, so the release of v1.0.0 seems like a good occasion for it. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
This is a big release aimed at improving usability, especially around Git and GitHub functionality. Read more ...
Daryn Ramsden, James Laird-Smith, Max Kuhn
A new version of corrr features noteworthy improvements. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
finetune is a new package that adds a few more model tuning methods. Read more ...
Simon Couch and Max Kuhn
Introducing ensemble learning to the tidymodels. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
With version 0.1.2 of tune, there are more options for parallel processing. Read more ...