Lionel Henry
This major release of vdiffr includes an updated SVG engine and integrates with the snapshot management mechanism of testthat 3. Read more ...
Julia Silge
The tidymodels ecosystem is modular and flexible, which can sometimes make choosing an approach overwhelming for newcomers. This post offers opinionated guidance on where to start! Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
This version provides much improved labelled_spss() support, improved date-time handling, the latest ReadStat, and a bunch of other small improvements. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The new version of recipes contains several helpful improvements. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
reprex is now much easier to use on RStudio Server and RStudio Cloud. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
Introducing, clock, a new package for working with date-times. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
A new package for evaluating many models at once is now on CRAN, along with a corresponding update to the tidyposterior package. Read more ...
Julia Silge
Releases of tidymodels packages in Q1 of 2021 offer new functions for easier model building and resampling, along with a new package for resampling spatial data. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
The latest version of rvest brings new tools for extracting text, a radically improved html_table(), and a bunch of interface changes to better align rvest with the rest of the tidyverse. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
We’ve recently released a bunch of improvements to dplyr backends. multidplyr, which allows you to spread work across multiple cores, is now on CRAN. dtplyr adds translations for dplyr 1.0.0 and fixes many bugs. dbplyr 2.1.0 adds translations for many tidyr verbs, gains an author, and has improved across() translations. Read more ...