Hadley Wickham
waldo 0.3.0 improves the display of data frame differences, and gives the objects being compared the ability to control the detail of their comparisons. Read more ...
Simon Couch
The first major release of infer, a package implementing a unified approach to statistical inference, is now on CRAN. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
bigrquery 1.4.0 fixes a bug in bq_table_download(). Read more ...
Max Kuhn
We highlight a series of new tidymodels package versions and their improvements. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
Version 1.0.0 marks the graduation of googlesheets4 from experimental to stable. Read more ...
Jim Hester
This major release of readr includes a new multi-threaded parsing engine powered by vroom and a number of user interface improvements. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
googledrive 2.0.0 adapts to Drive’s pivot from Team Drives to shared drives and its shift to a “single parent” model of file organization. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
gargle has seen a lot of development over the past two years and five releases: cache relocation, credential rolling, a new auth method, an improved user interface, better verbosity control, and retries. Read more ...
Julia Silge
Releases of tidymodels packages in Q2 of 2021 include more streamlined memory footprints for feature-engineering recipes, new model engine options, and better support for post-processing predictions. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
How can ggplot2 break with no breaking changes? This short post goes into detail with how and why the latest ggplot2 release disrupted some users workflow. Read more ...