Max Kuhn
A new release of the usemodels package makes it even easier to use tidymodels. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
The graphics engine in R is continually improving, and the ragg and svglite graphic devices follow along in supporting them. This blog post outlines what is now possible, and what might come in the future. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
Recipes has added a few new steps along with many improvements. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
A workflow for upgrading to testthat edition 3: activation, deprecations, changes to warnings, messages, and comparisons. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
tidyr 1.2.0 includes a bunch of new features and bug fixes, particularly for pivoting, rectangling, and grid specific tools. Read more ...
Lionel Henry
rlang 1.0.0 is near and introduces a new style of error display. Feedback welcome! Read more ...
Julia Silge
New features like an R Markdown template and Shiny app offer more robust support for modeling analyses, and our survey results outline some priorities for next year. Read more ...
Mara Averick
Over the past year and change we re-licensed the vast majority of tidyverse, tidymodels, and r-lib packages to use the MIT license. Here, we discuss the mechanics and rationale. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dtplyr 1.2.0 adds three new authors, a bunch of tidyr translations, new join translations, and many minor translation improvements. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
pkgdown 2.0.0 includes a major refresh of the default template (now using bootstrap 5), many new ways to customise your site, improvements to code styling, and much, much, more. Read more ...